January, 2024
Geneva, Switzerland
Conference Chair

Magic of Disorder and Correlations Conference
I had the best co-organizers to put toghether an unprecedent conference, including Dima Abanin (Princeton), Eugene Demler (ETH Zurich), Antoine Gorges (Collège de France; Ecole Polytechnique; Flatiron Institute; UNIGE), Christophe Berthod (UNIGE) and an incredible local organizng committee.
My baby was born

Maternity Leave
I will be taking care of a beautiful little angel
June, 2023
New membership

Réseau romand de mentoring pour femmes
I am honored to be one of the 24 candidates selected every two years to join this amazing network. I'm eagerly looking forward to contributing to and benefiting from this exceptional opportunity.
Unconventional news

One of my most wanted hugs!!! Beyond than happy
December, 2022
Grenoble, France

Université Grenoble Alpes
Excited to have been presented my latest work at the Journées du GDR IDE "Interaction Désordre Élasticité"
November, 2022
Paris, France

École normale supérieure de Paris
Beyond than happy to have been invited to discuss current and future projects. I'm looking forward to my next visit!
August 29th- September 2nd, 2022
Debrecen, Hungary

Avalanche 2022
It has been a pleasure to discuss my work at the 2022 Avalanche biannual conference. There are not many opportunities like this, where theorists and experimentalists converge in a quite unique and friendly space. Very happy of having participated! Thanks to all the atendants (specially those that atended in person). It was great talking to you!.
July 25th to August 19th 2022
Stockholm, Sweeden
Participant and presenter

Nordita program
An excellent opportunity to discuss the current development of theoretical physics with the most prominent researchers in the physics of life sciences. Extremely excited to have presented my work on how I am developing Statistical Mechanics tools to understand the physics of biological systems.
June 28-29, 2022
Galway, Ireland
Co-organizer and chair

ECR Grant Writing and Career Development Bootcamp
Pursuing an academic career presents challenges in different dimensions (leadership, collaboration, coproduction, etc). With the support and participation of professors at diverse career stages, I co-organized a workshop to discuss the many aspects of career development for early career researchers. Excited about how well received by the participants it was!
June 21th, 2022
France (Webinar)
Invited talk

GDR Interaction, Elasticité, Désordre (IDE)
With an innovative format aimed at fostering discussions between theorists and experimentalists, I was invited to present the theoretical approaches I am developing to understand the physics of domain walls in thin ferromagnetic films. I am grateful for the opportunity!
June 9th, 2022
Faculty of Science, University of Geneva, Switzerland

PostDoc Day 2022
With the Postdoc Association of the University of Geneva, we organized the PostDoc day 2022 in person. With three keynote speakers, postdoc talks, a career session, and the enthusiastic participation of our colleagues we had a great event!.
June 7th, 2022
University of Geneva, Switzerland

Tremplin Ceremony
I received the Tremplin prize, and had the opportunity to explain the goals of my research to a broad audience. I am extremelly greatful for this recognition!
May 26th, 2022
Bariloche, online
Invited seminar

Bariloche Atomic Centre
It is always a pleasure for me to discuss my work with my Argentinian colleagues. I am grateful for the invitation!
May, 2022

The physical principles underlying pattern formation in biological cellular membranes are still not fully understood. To identify the minimal physical ingredients that a cellular membrane can use to regulate its patterns, we model it as a surface. We discover that only by considering matter exchange between this surface and its bulk environment, a complex patterned composition emerges. We show that typical domain length scales depend on the matter exchange rates. Bio-inspired, with applications well beyond it. An amazing collaboration between myself, Karsten Kruse, and Thierry Giamarchi.
April 26th, 2022
Edinburgh, UK
Invited lecture

Physics of Life Summer School 2022
Delighted to visit the University of Edinburgh and the Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics, invited to talk about how I’m using statistical mechanics tools to decode interactions in collective cell migration at the Physics of Life Summer School!
December 20th, 2021
Institute of Physics
IOP Biological Physics Committee

Tom Duke Prize for Prof. Pietro Cicuta (Cambridge)
With great pleasure, we awarded Prof. Pietro Cicuta (University of Cambridge) the Tom Duke biannual prize. He was chosen as an ambassador to represent the importance of physics in addressing biological questions. Congratulations Pietro!
December 14th, 2021
American Institute of Physics
Featured article, Cover article

Roughness in ferroelectric thin-films
I prepared a ferro-cake… now on the cover of Applied Physics Letters!I invite you to check our featured article showing how ferroelectric domain walls progressively roughen when driven from planar electrodes
November 30th, 2021
American Institute of Physics
Featured article

Applied Physics Letters
Excited to share that today the APL Editors informed us they find our article "is one of the journal's best", and have chosen to promote it as a Featured Article! It will appear on the 13th of December, 2021 issue (In the meantime, you are welcome to read it on Arxiv).
November 17th, 2021
New preprint

Microscopic interplay of temperature and disorder of a 1D elastic interface, by N. Caballero et al
We numerically unveil a new power law that emerges at intermediate scales above the thermal regime and below the KPZ one. We show that its exponent is below 1, contrarily to available analytical predictions.
October, 2021
Paris, France

École Normale Supérieure de Paris
It is always a pleassure to discuss with such exceptional scientists!
October 5th, 2021
Complex Physics in 2 min
New Blog post

Complex systems: Nobel Prize in Physics 2021
#ComplexPhysics in the spotlight: I celebrate that the importance of this vision of the world has been highlighted through a Nobel Prize in Physics this year. Congratulations to Giorgio Parisi, Syukuro Manabe, and Klaus Hasselman!
September 18th, 2021
Sissa, IOP Oublishing
New paper

Degradation of domains with sequential field application, by N. Caballero
My single-author paper was accepted for publication in the Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (JSTAT). I explain, in simple terms, recent experimental results which appeared very difficult to elucidate.
September 1st, 2021
Les Diablerets, Switzerland
Contributed Talk and Jury Member